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Table 2 Risk factors associated with DCD liver transplantation

From: Challenges in machine perfusion preservation for liver grafts from donation after circulatory death

Risk factors


Life support in ICU, dialysis, serum creatinine >2 mg/d, donor age >60 years, DWIT ≥30 minutes, CIT >10 hours, retransplantation

Mateo et al. [12]

Donor age >45 years, DWIT >15 minutes, CIT >10 hours

Lee et al. [13]

Donor age ≥55 years, male, African-American, HCV+, metabolic disorder, MELD ≥35, life support

Muthur et al. [14]

DWIT ≥30 minutes, MELD >30, donor age >60 years, CIT ≥10 hours

de Vere et al. [15]

  1. CIT, cold ischemic time; DCD, donation after circulatory death; DWIT, donor warm ischemic time; HCV, hepatitis C virus; MELD, Model for End-stage Liver Disease.